rGEDIsimulator 0.4.0 (2023-06-15)
- gediMetrics: now working again, had a bug, allow beam filter
- gediSimulator: allow ascii output
- Update Hancocks's gedisimulator
- Makevars.ucrt: remove GDAL from requirements
rGEDIsimulator 0.3.1 (2022-08-31)
- Use Makevars.ucrt for R 4.2
- Remove @bbox from lidR: deprecated slot
- Add Makevars.ucrt for the new Rtools42
- Use markdown in functions documentation
rGEDIsimulator 0.3.0 (2021-08-20)
- Add inst/proj and inst/gdal to .gitignore
- Use \href for external links
- update links to v002
- Use \doi macro for referencing
rGEDIsimulator 0.2.1 (2024-04-22)
- Update st_bbox from lidR instead of bbox
- Use pkg-config to configure libraries
- gedifinder: use GEDI version="002" in examples
rGEDIsimulator 0.2.0 (2024-04-22)
- Added dependencies to tree instead of submodule
- Compile in windows using gdal-config instead of fixed
- Update gedifinder to use CMR for fetching v2
- Same as previous version.